Atwater Group Receives Funding From DOE's Clean Energy Summit
Today in Las Vegas, President Obama and Energy Secretary Moniz announced at the Clean Energy Summit $24 million in innovation funding of 11 new solar technologies, including the Caltech-led team project, as part of ARPA-E's newest program, MOSAIC (short for Micro-scale Optimized Solar-cell Arrays with Integrated Concentration). The Caltech-led team seeks to develop a new class of cost-effective, high-performance solar energy module based on luminescent solar concentrator designs. Caltech is partnered with Lawrence Berkeley Lab, U. Illinois and the National Renewable Energy Lab. Additional information on ARPA-E's MOSAIC program can be found HERE. Details on the 11 MOSAIC projects can be found HERE. To view the White House release, click HERE. To view the Energy Department's announcement, click HERE.